Russia Period: 1699-1991 1699-1991

Silver coins Rouble of Peter I - Russia


Rouble 1707

Portrait by S. Gouin
Year Mark Description Bitkin Sales Sales
1707 G Year in Arabic R2 0 17

Rouble 1710

Portrait by S. Gouin
Year Mark Description Bitkin Sales Sales
1710 With a ribbon of orders R1 0 30

Rouble 1712

Portrait by S. Gouin

Rouble 1714

Without denomination
Year Mark Description Bitkin Sales Sales
1714 R2 0 31

Rouble 1718-1720

Portrait in lats
Year Mark Description Bitkin Sales Sales
҂АΨИI (1718) There is nothing on the chest -, R1 0 27҂АΨИI (1718) Arabesques on the chest. Embroidery on the sleeve R3 0 1҂АΨИI (1718) L Arabesques on the chest. Embroidery on the sleeve R1 0 7҂АΨИI (1718) KO-L R, R2 0 18҂АΨИI (1718) OK There is nothing on the chest R2 0 2҂АΨИI (1718) OK Arabesques on the chest R1, R2 0 4҂АΨИI (1718) OK Arabesques on the chest. Embroidery on the sleeve R2 0 4҂АΨИI (1718) OK Rivets on the chest R 0 71҂АΨИI (1718) OK Rivets on the chest. Special Portrait R3 0 1҂АΨИI (1718) OK-L Arabesques on the chest. The head is small R1 0 28҂АΨИI (1718) OK-L Arabesques on the chest. Embroidery on the sleeve R, R1, R2 0 70҂АΨИI (1718) OK-L Rivets on the chest R, R1, R2 0 358҂АΨИI (1718) OK-L Rivets on the chest. Embroidery on the sleeve R, R1 0 41҂АΨѲI (1719) Rivets on the chest R, R1, R2, R3 0 56҂АΨѲI (1719) Arabesques on the chest R2 0 0҂АΨѲI (1719) L There is nothing on the chest R1 0 5҂АΨѲI (1719) OK There is nothing on the chest R 0 87҂АΨѲI (1719) OK Rivets on the chest - 0 293҂АΨѲI (1719) OK Arabesques on the chest R 0 30҂АΨѲI (1719) OK Buckle on the cloak -, R1 1 186҂АΨѲI (1719) OK-L Arabesques on the chest R1 0 20҂АΨѲI (1719) OK-L Rivets on the chest - 0 121҂АΨѲI (1719) OK-IL-L Arabesques on the chest R2 0 5҂АΨѲI (1719) OK-IL-L Rivets on the chest - 0 159҂АΨѲI (1719) KO-L R2, R3 0 12҂АΨК (1720) No buckle on the cloak R1, R2 0 12҂АΨК (1720) Buckle on the cloak -, R, R1, R2, R3, R4 0 233҂АΨК (1720) Buckle on the cloak. Restrike R3 0 14҂АΨК (1720) OK Buckle on the cloak -, R, R1, R2, R3 1 509҂АΨК (1720) KO No buckle on the cloak R1 0 9҂АΨК (1720) KO Buckle on the cloak R, R1, R2, R3 0 46

Rouble 1724-1725

Sunny, a portrait in shoulder pads

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