Saxony-Albertine Period:
Coins catalog of John (1854-1873)
Total added coins: 138
Coin catalog John 1854-1873
Prices of coins of John
Photo Description Metal Av. price UNC Av. price PROOF Sales
Saxony-Albertine, John
Neu Groschen 1873 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Neu Groschen 1856 F
Saxony-Albertine, John
2 Thaler 1861 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Neu Groschen 1870 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Krone 1870 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
1/3 Thaler 1856 F
Saxony-Albertine, John
Thaler 1855 F
Saxony-Albertine, John
Thaler 1862 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
2 Thaler 1855 F
Saxony-Albertine, John
1 Pfennig 1859 F
Saxony-Albertine, John
2 Neu Groschen 1871 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Thaler 1859 F "Mining"
Saxony-Albertine, John
1/2 Neu Groschen 1855 F
Saxony-Albertine, John
Thaler 1861 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
1/2 Krone 1858 F
Saxony-Albertine, John
2 Neu Groschen 1865 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
1 Pfennig 1862 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
1/3 Thaler 1859 F
Saxony-Albertine, John
1/6 Thaler 1865 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Neu Groschen 1867 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
2 Neu Groschen 1863 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
1/6 Thaler 1871 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
2 Neu Groschen 1869 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Krone 1862 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
2 Pfennig 1866 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Thaler 1867 B "Mining"
Saxony-Albertine, John
1 Pfennig 1873 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Thaler 1869 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
1/6 Thaler 1863 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Thaler 1855 F "Mining"
Saxony-Albertine, John
1 Pfennig 1872 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
1/3 Thaler 1860 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Krone 1859 F
Saxony-Albertine, John
Thaler 1860 B "Mining"
Saxony-Albertine, John
Neu Groschen 1868 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
2 Thaler 1857 B "Hard Work Award"
Saxony-Albertine, John
Neu Groschen 1865 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Neu Groschen 1867 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
1/6 Thaler 1861 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Thaler 1861 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
2 Neu Groschen 1873 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Thaler 1868 B "Mining"
Saxony-Albertine, John
1/2 Krone 1866 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Thaler 1866 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
1 Pfennig 1863 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Neu Groschen 1861 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Krone 1858 F
Saxony-Albertine, John
1/2 Krone 1862 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
Thaler 1860 B
Saxony-Albertine, John
1/2 Neu Groschen 1856 F
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