Rare coins values - Coin Price Guide
Photo Description Metal Av. price UNC Av. price PROOF Sales
Russia, Soviet Union - USSR
50 Kopeks 1921 АГ
Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Charles II
1/24 Thaler 1823 CvC
Finland, Grand Duchy
25 Pennia 1909 L
Russia, Peter I
Rouble 1723 OK "Portrait in ermine mantle". The Great St Andrew's Cross
Russia, Peter I
Polupoltinnik ҂АΨΒ (1702) "Small head". Date "ЯWB"
Russia, Peter I
Denga (1/2 Kopek) ҂АΨΓ (1703) "ВСЕЯ РОССIИ САМОДЕРЖЕЦЪ"
Russia, Peter I
Polushka (1/4 Kopek) ҂АΨКА (1721) НД. Cyrillic year
Russia, Peter I
Denga (1/2 Kopek) ҂АΨE (1705) "ВСЕЯ РОССИИ ПОВЕЛИТЕЛЬ"
Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, William
1 Pfennig 1833 CvC
Finland, Grand Duchy
10 Pennia 1876
Russia, Peter I
Rouble ҂АΨѲI (1719) "Portrait in lats". Arabesques on the chest
Russia, Peter I
Poltina ҂АΨА (1701) "Small head". Cross over your head
Russia, Peter I
Poltina ҂АΨД (1704) "Portrait by F. Alexeev". Point above head
Russia, Peter I
Poltina ҂АΨE (1705) "Portrait by F. Alexeev". Restrike. Diagonally reeded edge
Russia, Peter I
Poltina ҂АΨИI (1718) OK "Portrait in lats". Arabesques on the chest
Russia, Peter I
Polupoltinnik ҂АΨА (1701). Date "҂АΨА"
Russia, Peter I
1 Kopek ҂АΨSI (1716) НДЗ
Russia, Peter I
Polushka (1/4 Kopek) 1721. Arabic year
Finland, Grand Duchy
10 Pennia 1898
Russia, Peter I
Altyn (3 Kopeks) 1712. "АЛmЫ / ННIКЪ". The eagle has a wide tail
Russia, Peter I
Rouble ҂АΨИI (1718) OK "Portrait in lats". Rivets on the chest
Russia, Peter I
Poltina ҂АΨΒ (1702) "The portrait is narrow"
Russia, Soviet Union - USSR
Rouble 1990
Russia, Peter I
Denga (1/2 Kopek) ҂АΨΒI (1712) "ВСЕЯ РОССIИ САМОДЕРЖЕЦЪ"
Finland, Grand Duchy
25 Pennia 1869 S
Finland, Grand Duchy
10 Pennia 1908
Finland, Grand Duchy
10 Pennia 1909
Russia, Peter I
5 Kopeks 1713. Denomination "IIIII"
Russia, Peter I
Polushka (1/4 Kopek) ҂АΨѲI (1719). Cyrillic year
Russia, Peter I
5 Kopeks 1725 МД. Restrike
Finland, Grand Duchy
10 Pennia 1905
Russia, Peter I
Poltina ҂АΨД (1704) МД "Portrait by F. Alexeev"
Russia, Peter I
1 Kopek ҂АΨSI (1716) МДЗ
Russia, Peter I
Poltina ҂АΨΓ (1703) "The portrait is narrow"
Russia, Peter I
Polushka (1/4 Kopek) ҂АΨИI (1718) НД. Cyrillic year
Russia, Peter I
Poltina ҂АΨѲI (1719) L "Portrait in lats"
Russia, Peter I
Polushka (1/4 Kopek) 1720. Arabic year
Russia, Peter I
Polupoltinnik ҂АΨД (1704)
Finland, Grand Duchy
Pattern 2 Pennia 1866. With a rim
Russia, Peter I
Poltina ҂АΨД (1704) "Portrait by F. Alexeev". Restrike
Russia, Peter I
Poltina ҂АΨИI (1718) OK-L "Portrait in lats". Without arabesques on the chest
Russia, Peter I
1 Kopek ҂АΨΓI (1713) МДЗ
Russia, Soviet Union - USSR
150 Roubles 1977 ЛМД "Olympics 1980. Emblem"
Russia, Peter I
Rouble ҂АΨИI (1718) OK "Portrait in lats". Rivets on the chest. Special Portrait
Russia, Peter I
Poltina ҂АΨΒ (1702) "Small head". There's nothing above head
Russia, Peter I
Polupoltinnik ҂АΨΒ (1702) "Big head". Date "АWB"
Russia, Peter I
Polushka (1/4 Kopek) ҂АΨЗ (1707) "ВСЕЯ РОССИИ ПОВЕЛИТЕЛЬ"
Russia, Peter I
Rouble ҂АΨИI (1718) OK "Portrait in lats". Arabesques on the chest
Russia, Peter I
1 Kopek 1713. Restrike. An eagle in a round frame
Russia, Peter I
Polushka (1/4 Kopek) 1722 НД
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