Russia Period:
Silver coins Rouble of Catherine I - Russia
Rouble 1725
MourningYear Mark Description Bitkin Sales Sales
1725 Shamrock above head R2 4 1725 Point above head R1, R2 266 Rouble 1725-1726
Moscow type, portrait to the leftYear Mark Description Bitkin Sales Sales
1725 -, R1 110 1726 Narrow tail - 1 6911726 Wide tail - 2 931726 Restrike R3 16 Rouble 1725-1726
Petersburg type, portrait to the leftYear Mark Description Bitkin Sales Sales
1725 Wide tail - 29 1725 Narrow tail R1 36 1725 СПБ "СПБ" at the end of the inscription R, R1, R2 1 981725 СПБ "СПБ" at the beginning of the inscription. Wide tail -, R1 103 1725 СПБ "СПБ" at the beginning of the inscription. Narrow tail - 47 1725 СПБ "СПБ" under the eagle. Diagonally reeded edge - 1 1791725 СПБ "СПБ" under the eagle. Patterned edge -, R1 113 1725 СПБ "СПБ" under the eagle. Eagle's tail fanned out R1 6 1725 СПБ-СПБ "СПБ" at the beginning of the inscription and under the eagle R2 31 1726 СПБ - 267 Rouble 1726-1727
Moscow type, portrait to the rightRouble 1726-1727
Petersburg type, portrait to the rightYear Mark Description Bitkin Sales Sales
1726 СПБ R1 100 1726 СПБ Lace protrudes from the corsage R3 4 1726 СПБ Without a curl on the left shoulder R3 41 1727 СПБ R, R1, R2 183 1727 СПБ Small bow on the right shoulder R2 10 1727 СПБ The numbers of the year are close together R2 1 1727 СПБ Magpie tail R3 7 Rouble 1727
Portrait with a high hairstyleYear Mark Description Bitkin Sales Sales
1727 СПБ Arabesques on a corsage R3 4 1727 СПБ Without arabesques on the corsage R1 58 1727 СПБ Magpie tail R2 34 Rouble 1727
Small headYear Mark Description Bitkin Sales Sales
1727 СПБ R, R1 38 Popular sections