Waldeck-Pyrmont Period:
Coins catalog of George (1806-1813)
Total added coins: 8
Coin catalog George 1806-1813
Prices of coins of George
Photo Description Metal Av. price UNC Av. price PROOF Sales
Waldeck-Pyrmont, George
Thaler no date (1824) "Hybrid"
Waldeck-Pyrmont, George
Thaler 1811 F.W.
Waldeck-Pyrmont, George
1/24 Thaler 1807 F.W.
Waldeck-Pyrmont, George
1/24 Thaler 1806 F.W.
Waldeck-Pyrmont, George
Thaler 1813 F.W.
Waldeck-Pyrmont, George
Pattern 1/4 thaler 1812 F.W.
Waldeck-Pyrmont, George
Pattern 1/4 thaler 1813 F.W.
Waldeck-Pyrmont, George
Thaler 1813 F.W.. Rant "X. EINE"
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