Poland Period:
Donative 8 Ducat 1644 GR "Danzig" (Poland, Wladyslaw IV)
Auction Prices (1)
Auction prices
Find out the current coin value of the Polish Donative 8 Ducat 1644 "Danzig" with mark GR. This gold coin from the times of Wladyslaw IV struck at the Danzig Mint. The record price belongs to the lot 4386 sold at the Fritz Rudolf Künker GmbH & Co. KG auction for EUR 240,000. Bidding took place March 16, 2016.
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- Künker (1)
Where to buy?
Seller Künker
Date January 29, 2025
Condition AU
Where to sell?
For the sale of 8 Ducat 1644 "Danzig", we recommend contacting specialized numismatic firms that conduct regular auctions. Go to the list of companies to find a suitable site.
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