Stack's Bowers

Stack's Bowers

April 2021 Hong Kong - Session B - The Pinnacle Collection - Lots 50001-50162
  • Verkaufsdatum:
    6. April 2021
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Losnummer 50107. The Majestic "Family Ruble" of Nicholas IRUSSIA. Silver 1-1/2 Rubles ("Family Ruble") - 10 Zlotych Novodel, 1836-NY. St. Petersburg Mint. Nicholas I. PCGS SPECIMEN-62+ Gold Shield.Dav-286B; KM-C-172.2; Bit-H889; Sev-3181. Weight: 31.10 gms. Obverse: Bare head of Nicholas (Nikolai) right; Reverse: Busts of Crown Prince Aleksandr Nikolaevich, Grand Duchesses Maria Nikolaevna, Olga Nikolaevna, Alexandra Nikolaevna, and Grand Dukes Konstantin Nikolaevich, Nikolai Nikolaevich, and Mikhail Nikolaevich around central medallion of Alexandra Feodorovna right, wearing stephane. A crown that undoubtedly stands as one of the most sought-after from the 19th century, this alluring "family ruble," featuring a deep gray tone that is further accentuated by hues of violet-burgundy and some resounding underlying luster, was designed by Pavel Utkin (whose initials can be seen on the truncation of the emperor's neck: ПУ) and drew direct inspiration from a similar "family" crown from Germany--that of Ludwig, King of Bavaria, and his "blessings from heaven" taler. Compare to a similar example of this type, an NGC MS-62, that realized a total of $78,000 in our January 2021 auction (lot 20522).Estimate: $60,000 - $80,000.Provenance: From the Pinnacle Collection.Ex: Hess-Divo 297 (10/2003) Lot # 167 @ ChF 27,000 (hammer).Click here for certification details from PCGS. Image with the PCGS TrueView logo is obtained from and is subject to a license agreement with Collectors Universe, Inc. and its divisions PCGS and PSA.Click here to see Coins in Motion. 偉大的尼古拉斯一世"家族盧布" 1836-NY年俄羅斯1-1 / 2盧布銀樣幣。聖彼得堡造幣廠 。尼古拉斯一世。 正面:尼古拉斯(Nikolai)的禿髮像朝右;背面:王儲亞歷山大-尼古拉耶維奇,大公爵夫人瑪麗亞-尼古拉耶夫娜,奧爾加-尼古拉耶夫娜,亞歷山德拉-尼古拉耶夫娜和公爵康斯坦丁-尼古拉耶維奇,尼古拉-尼古拉耶維奇和米哈伊爾-尼古拉耶維奇的胸像外圈圍繞,亞歷山大-費奧多羅夫娜肖像居中朝右,戴頭冠。此設計無疑是 19 世紀最受歡迎的發行之一,亦以"家族盧布"聞名於錢幣界。深灰色主調,間有紫羅蘭及勃艮第色彩透現,底光充沛。 Pavel Utkin 所鑄(其縮寫見於皇帝的脖子底端),靈感源於德國類似的"家族"設計錢幣-巴伐利亞國王路德維希(Ludwig)的"天國的祝福"泰勒。我司 2021 年一月拍賣中(拍品 20522)以高價 78,000 美元拍出同款錢幣(NGC MS-62)。

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